简介:Tacoma FD's newest chief, Terry McConky, is under scrutiny by the city council to get serious about his station's ratings. Meanwhile, Terry's crew puts his job in jeopardy by engaging ...
简介:佛蒙特州的四个州警:队长桑尼(杰伊?钱德拉萨卡 Jay Chandrasekhar 饰)、队员迈克(史蒂夫?雷米 Steve Lemme 饰)、拉比特(艾瑞克?斯图汉斯克 Erik Stolhanske 饰)以及福斯特(保罗?索特 Paul Soter 饰)是一班游手好闲的高速铁路宝贝,她们玩弄抽线麻的儿童,乔妆后开着违反规章车辆飙车打赌,为了篡夺路边的不明女尸案探求权力和市警打的士不亦乐乎……当局为俭朴开销,安置对警队裁人,这令清闲的州警们顿感压力,和市警之间的联系也愈发重要。桑尼等人偶尔创造她们侦查破获的线麻与女尸案相关联,这能在裁人时保住本人饭碗的建功时机州警们岂可不屑一顾?所以州警鼎力反击,谁知黄雀在后……
简介:Follow a hapless hunchback who yearns for love, but finds himself in the middle of a murderous feud between the Pope and the king of France when each orders the hunchback to kill the other.
简介:Follow a hapless hunchback who yearns for love, but finds himself in the middle of a murderous feud between the Pope and the king of France when each orders the hunchback to kill the other.
简介:Tacoma FD's newest chief, Terry McConky, is under scrutiny by the city council to get serious about his station's ratings. Meanwhile, Terry's crew puts his job in jeopardy by engaging ...
简介:克里昂(迈克·克拉克·邓肯 Michael Clarke Duncan 饰)已经是一名个性火爆的分量级拳击亚军,复员后开了一家拳王餐馆,他的残暴风格让职工们都心惊胆战,不敢冒昧。但是在一越日本白化众生猎捕震动上,克里昂与一位日自己赌钱谁捕得多,截止却输得乌烟瘴气,并要在第二天交出两万块,要不餐馆将被接收。要在一夜之间赚够两万块几乎不太大概,要领会餐馆出卖最高周记载也不胜过一万五美金,为了免遭克里昂的铁拳处治,不幸的效劳员们发端挖空心思,使尽浑身解数,誓死掏空宾客皮夹子……